Time Power™ Premier Program


Revolutionize Your Relationship with Time: The Paradigm Shift

The Premier Time Power Program is a one-on-one virtual training and support program that gives you the essential tools and shortcuts used by successful and beyond-busy entrepreneurs to avoid overwhelm and tame chaos, so that they can regain control of their time.

In six, live 90-minute sessions, I will guide you every step of the way, as you transform your relationship with time. By the end of the program, you will have a new outlook on time as well as all the practical tools you need to take control of your calendar.

Invest in time–your most valuable asset–the rewards will be beyond measure.

In six, 90-minute potent working sessions I’ll show you how to make the lasting, sustainable shifts that will finally give you the work-life balance you crave so both your personal and business life flourish together.

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Here’s a blueprint for how we will work together.


Treasure Your Time

As a strong foundation, we start by establishing a new pattern of thinking that empowers you to move from scarcity to abundance and release limiting beliefs and behaviors around time.


Clear Your Headspace

AKA the Brain Dump! With focus, expert guidance, and plenty of prompts we get all the tasks, projects, wishes, and goals that are spinning in your head (fueling the overwhelm and anxiety) on paper so we can map out your time and create immediate relief.


Make the Most of Your Time

We take all the information that was formerly taking up space in your head and organize it into a master list to give you an overview of all the areas in your life that need attention. We then prioritize each element and create an action plan to get it done.


Take Back Control of Your Time

In the next two sessions, we use our innovative productivity tool called Time Blocking to ensure your time (your greatest asset) is being used to your best advantage. We focus on what is meaningful and important to you so that you can accomplish your professional and personal goals.


Design Your Time

Continuing with Time Blocking, in this session we structure and color-code your calendar to give you the peace of mind that your attention will be on the right things at the right time. With one glance, you will know how to prepare for your day.


Own Your Time

In this session, we identify key success factors and growth edges to ensure that the ideas and structures created in this program continue to work for you. We audit, assess, tweak, and repeat so that you walk away confident, inspired, and committed to owning your valuable time, so you can sustain the work that you love without compromising your family.

The Overwhelm Doesn’t
Have to Own You.

Feel the weight come off your shoulders with the help of a dedicated and experienced guide, who will walk you through the tried-and-true steps to achieve work-life balance.